Online Workshops (Self-Help, Self-Care)

The Workshop,”Your DNA Is Not Your Destiny – Epigenetic Healing Cycles” is a Self-help, Self-care Workshop.

What is it and what will it do for you?

This Workshop can be completed in a 1 day Online Workshop (or spread out over a 45 day period, as it is now a self-paced prerecorded online video version) to help you learn a series of Acupressure points in a very specific sequence to help alleviate Mental, Emotional, and Physical issues. Have you heard of EFT or the ‘Tapping” techniques. This has similar aspects but is more advanced.

Time to Check in on yourself:

Are you taking time to take care of yourself; daily or weekly?? 🥱 

Even if for only ten minutes a day? 🏃‍♀️ 

Do you have ten minutes a day to cut out for YOU time? To reset?

If you don’t… maybe you should put this time aside and start!

Are your Emotional needs met? 😔 

Are your Physical needs met? 😣 

Are your Mental needs met? 😕 

…How do you know if they are not met?

Are you Emotionally: drained, sad, anxious, or in a negative space and want to get out?

Are you Physically: tired, achy, in pain, lethargic or generally just uncomfortable?

Are you Mentally: tired and can’t put two thoughts together? To think, read, and dream life’s ideas is just too much. Simply just ‘fried mentally’, and you’d rather just scroll social media? 

💫 This Workshop teaches you tools for how you can get back on track and take back your own health and wellness.

💫 Watch for the online Self-help, Self-care Workshop which puts you in the driver’s seat to managing your Emotional, Physical and Mental Health.

💫 Learn emotional resilience, how to release anger and unblock emotions causing physical pain plus much more! 

Entitled > Your DNA is not your Destiny. Epigenetic Healing Cycles.

Watch the video below to learn how this is the best Self-help, and Self-care tool out there right now to help you heal, remain calm in these turbulent times, keep your peace, and help your health improve!

This comes from the Creators of Touch for Health. A Medical Doctor, Dr. Bruce Dewe realized that he needed to create a self-help, self-care Workshop for ones to take control of their own health and wellness. This is how this Workshop came about after he learned the many acupressure points and then incorporated them with modulators and a positive specific goal to improve his own health from a diagnosis of an hereditary auto-immune condition where his prognosis was death in around 6 months. Now over 50 years later; happy and healthy with his wife, kids, grandkids and still working in his profession. He proves to us and by the work he has done with his clients that, ‘Your DNA is not your Destiny’!

Epigenetics Healing Cycles Workshop – ABOUT

With Britanny Croteau (Campbell) Your KPower Instructor

See our ‘Client’s Results videos #1 + #2’ Below.

Client’s Results Video #1

From Panic attacks to migraines, calming their children’s emotions to structural issues and more!

Client’s Results Video #2



-sharing is caring