Essential Oils Info PDF
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Aniseed (Anisum officinalis)
Aniseed: middle note – parasympathetic – a licorice-y scent with a twist. This is a slightly narcotic essential oil that has incredible use when treating extreme stress responses as things such as migraines or some gut disorders like chron’s or IBS since it helps to calm the response and helps dampen these debilitating attacks. It should be used with care since it can make people quite loopy unless they actually need this oil. For those who have a hyper reactive body in response to stress, this oil can be a life saver. Aniseed is a liver tonifier and anti spasmodic on the mucus membranes as well as skeletal muscles. Use with care due to its narcotic actions. It is a tonic to the circulatory and digestive tract. Used for its estogren like properties; thus helps in childbirth and lactation or menopause issues. Avoid in Pregnancy. Safe in low dosages. Possible skin sensitizing.
Balsam, Copiaba (Copaifera officinalis) Brazil
Balsam, copaiba: base note – sympathetic – a sweet woodsy, almost floral scent. This oil stimulates circulation and soothes the intestines. A general disinfectant and bacteriacide. Helps to open passages to allow deep breathing. Good for bronchitis, colds, coughs and also intestinal infections. It is an oil that is fantastic for working against stress related issues. Feeling wound up, needing to relax and just can’t let go. This oil helps to mentally calm, soothe the mind, and even to promote sleep. Good for those who can’t stop worrying or fearing things that could go wrong. It helps the change over to feeling confident in the future.
Basil, sweet (Ocimum basilicum)
Basil, sweet french: top note – sympathetic – a licorice scent that invigorates and stimulates the mind. “The coffee of the Essential Oils”. Respiratory complaints like asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis and coughs do well to the adrenal stimulation that basil provides. Basil is good for those needing help due to debilitating illness, nervous exhaustion, or feeling vulnerable due to chronic illness as it is a stimulant and tonic for the nerves. Helps muscle and joint injuries, gout, insect bites and repellant. Sharpens mental clarity. Avoid during pregnancy. Possible skin irritant.
Bay, Laurel Bay Leaf (Laurus nobilis)
Laurel: top note – adaptable – also known as Bay Laurel or Bay Leaf – the leaves of this plant are commonly used in stews and soups as they benefit digestion. A slightly bitter taste with a medicinal tinge. Good for fevers, colds, coughs, sinusitis and mucus membrane issues. Digestive stimulant, as well as a kidney, liver, and proproductive tonic. Great for loss of appetite after a long cold/flu. Helps reduce cellulite. Improve mental clarity and alertness. Lessens muscle pains. Thus good for menstrual cramps. An anti-inflammatory and an analgesic making it very helpful for sore muscles and joints after workouts or overuse. May irritate sensitive or damp skin. Helps emotionally with a healthy competent, self esteem boost. Avoid overuse, avoid during pregnancy. Do not mix with Costus.
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Bergamot (Citrus bergamis)
Bergamot: top note – balanced – a citrus that is refreshing, uplifting and yet relaxing. Helpful for anxiety, depression, and nervous tension as it is considered an anti stress oil. Calms digestion, and helps as a laxative and for when there’s a loss of appetite. Helps the respiratory systems in symptoms of; a cold, fever, flu, thrush and sore throats when they start to occur. Helpful with skin conditions related to stress. Possible sun sensitizing.
Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) France
Black Currant: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the berries and leaves. It comes across as deep, rich, and vibrant in a blend. It is grounding and yet uplifting. It also seems to take the focus off the negative and allows the positive to shine through. With feelings of being overwhelmed, black currant helps give support and reassurance. Great for caregivers who take on the world, (single parenting/working/caring for extended family/stretching yourself too thin for too long) this seems to give a rebuilding of the inner self needed to keep going in a positive manner. “Adrenals running low due to emotional exhaustion anyone?”
Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)
Black Pepper: middle note – adaptable/balanced – a strong smell but a powerful oil. It is a warming and stimulating oil. Considered an anti-toxic oil and a detoxifier, or as I call it the “clean up the oil spill” oil. Amazing oil in helping detoxify the muscles, joints and digestive system in this way. Loosens tight and tense muscles. Beneficial for the respiratory system, circulation and kidneys. Can help dissolve bone spurs and calcium build ups in joints. A great insect repellant. Good in combination with Peppermint for diarrhoea. Possibility of skin irritation.
Black Spruce (Picea mariana) Alberta
Black Spruce: middle note – adaptable – a great oil for the respiratory system and when feeling burnt out. Something in between a pine and eucalyptus scent. Very earthy refreshing scent that makes you take deep breaths. Invigorates and calms stress levels, and uplifts moods. Helpful for when under chronic health conditions for long periods of time, and worn out or burnt out. Helps to work at rebuilding energy levels. Good a getting fluids and lymph flowing. Use with care during pregnancy or with high blood pressure. Could irritate sweaty or sensitive skin.
Cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendron) Vietnam
Cajeput: middle note – adaptable – of the tea tree oil family, with a somewhat earthy scent. This oil is primarily used in countering itches by us and has been used on some very delicate tissues without problems. It is a decongestant and helps open up sinus pathways. Can be used as a very, very gentle anti-viral anti-fungal with a carrier over the chest to breathe in. It is a circulatory stimulant thus great for colds and flus, urinary infections and arthritic issues. Also muscle aches, pains and rheumatism can benefit from this oil. No noted precautions. Avoid in pregnancy.
Camphor, white (Cinnamomum camphora) China
Camphor, White: middle note – sympathetic – a strong but soothing medicinal scent that reminds most of ‘Vicks’. Helps disinfect the air and is great for colds, flus, viruses, and helps with the release of built up mucus. Calms fevers, and it good for achy muscles and pains even arthritic pain and rheumatism, but care should be used since it has a fairly high ketone level. Thus not to be used on small children, those who are rather fragile, pregnant or having high blood pressure or seizure disorders.
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Carrot seed (Daucus carota) France
Carrot seed: middle note – an oil from the dried seeds of the Queen Ann’s lace, not the classic root vegetable. A great oil for the liver. It has been used to control cholesterol and help liver congestion. It regenerates liver cells and has skin regenerating properties as well thus beneficial in skincare. This therefore helps with dermatis, excema, psoriasis, arthritis and gout and edema. Helps regulate gladular problems. Avoid in pregnancy.
Carnation – absolute (Dianthus caryophyllus)
Carnation: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the flowers and leafy tops. A somewhat lighter scent but very effective for stress conditions of anxiety, depression and despondency. When in blends, it gives an uplifting, hint of spicey twist that adds a bit of energy to a blend. A positive, gentle and powerful upper that brings back life, the feelings of peace and the enjoyment of life thereof. Avoid use on damaged skin as it is an absolute.
Cassia – absolute (Cinnamomum cassia) China
Cassia: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the dried unripe fruits/seeds of the Chinese cinnamon. It has a strong spicy sweet scent that warms and energizes. The action has long been prized for stimulating the person’s energy level. Even just inhaling this oil, cools a person’s emotions from anger/passive-aggressive, and allows feelings of warmth and happifies the person. Be careful since this oil can be a skin irritant and hot on the skin if not diluted properly.
Cassie – absolute (Acacia farnesiana)
Cassie: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the flowers of a member of the acacia family. Not to be confused with cassia, from the cinnamon family. The smell is a calming sweet, earthy healthy scent. The feeling it gives is calm, mellow and laid back. The oil eases feeling overwhelmed by life and work. It helps with feelings of depression, nervous exhaustion, and general stress. It’s helpful for low self worth and self respect.
Cedarwood Atlas (Cedrus atlantica)
Cedarwood, Atlas: base note – balanced – a relaxing and soothing oil, good for respiratory and urinary tract disorders. Very good for skin conditions and helps detoxify, thus great for skin issues of many sorts; such as cellulite, and scalp strengthening for hair growth, dandruff, and seborrhoea. Also for skin that needs soothing such as acne, dermatitis and psoriasis. It is an aphrodisiac and also helpful for when feeling low self worth. Possibility of skin irritation, do not use during pregnancy or on small children.
Chamomile Roman (Anthemis nobilis) England
Chamomile, Roman: middle note – parasympathetic – Anthemis Nobilis – a slightly heavier scent than the Blue chamomile version, but a delicate flower tea scent all the same. Excellent as a pain reliever, and anti-inflammatory on skin, muscles, and joints. Also a fantastic nerve tonic and sedative. In other words, it relieves nervous tension! Stimulates leukocyte production, digestion, the spleen and uterine system. Helps with menopausal symptoms, headaches, and insomnia. A great all-around oil for many ailments. Good antihistamine and soothing on hives too. Do not use during problem pregnancies, early pregnancy or if allergic to ragweed.
Champaca, red – absolute (Michelia champaca) India
Champaca, Red: base note – psyche oil – an oil from the flowers of a tropical vine with a sweet, warm enchanting scent. Allows the person to come into a confidence moving forward, feeling integrated within themselves despite the stresses they have come through. Very much a lightening of problems, putting those behind and moving forward with strength. It is an aphrodisiac and thus increases joy and feelings of being valued.
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Champaca, white – absolute (Michelia alba)
Champaca, White: base note – psyche oil – Michelia alba- from the white flowers of this tropical vine that has a warm but yet lighter and slightly sharper note than the Red Champaca. It is a gentle, reassuring, happy oil that soothes and stabilizes and uplifts. It will help give you that chance to breathe and mellow out and give you that ability to wind down but yet it still carries some energy with it. So, needing some soothing-sanity while still enduring your work day? This is a good one for resetting and rebalancing the sanity levels and hanging in there.
Chamomile, blue (Matricaria chamomilla) Germany
Chamomile Blue: middle note – parasympathetic – having a slightly lighter scent than the Roman chamomile version. A beautiful blue colour it possesses comes from the azulene that is found in this oil. Similar in the Roman, it helps the leukocyte production, digestive, spleen and uterine systems. It is helpful in reducing pain and inflammation. However, In 1 – 2% concentrations, it works as an anti-inflammatory. Higher than that, it can have the opposite reaction. Works as an antispasmodic oil, so it is food for a variety from flus to digestion to allergic reactions. Helpful with feelings of depression and needing to be soothed, relieved or calmed down.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylnicum)
Cinnamon Bark: base note – Cinnamomum zeylanicum- a spicy deep scent from the bark of the cinnamon. Cinnamon adds a touch of spice and heat to a blend. One of the oldest recorded spices, it has been used for colds, flus, digestive and menstrual issues, kidney issues, rheumatism, and as a general stimulant. It is used more medicinally than the Cinnamon Leaf oil. Helps fight parasites, alleviate diarrhea, is antimicrobial and antiseptic in nature. This warms the body, helping boost circulation, anorexia, intestinal infections, reducing cellulite and improves sluggish digestion. Helps against nervous exhaustion, and stress-related conditions. Known to be one of the strongest antibacterial agents, thus it has been used against viral infections and contagious diseases, all while being able to support intestinal flora. Truly a magnificent oil, however much care is needed. It is a ‘hot’ oil. Dilution is always necessary but more so of a higher ratio of carrier oil when blending with this oil is needed. This is a spicy, energetic oil which helps create a wake-up action on the nervous system. It is also an aphrodisiac. Use in less than 1% dilution. Do not mix with peru balsam.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylnicum)
Cinnamon Leaf: base note – psyche oil -Cinnamomum zeylanicum – it is from the leaves of the cinnamon. Good for those in an exhausted state, as it warms the emotions and body. Similar properties to the bark. Allows one to express themselves more assertively, instead of repressing anger. But showing in a balance of love of self and others.As it is a powerful oil, a half drop is often all that is needed. Avoid in pregnancy, and with infants and children. Or with liver health conditions.
Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) Sri Lanka
Citronella: top note – adaptable – Citronella Cymbopogon nardus- Sri Lanka- a fresh lemon smell with a hint of an earthy touch. This is normally used as an insect repellant. Mentally clearing and uplifting. Avoid direct sun exposure when using this oil.
Clary Sage (Salvia sclaria) Russia
Clary Sage: top note – parasympathetic – Clary Sage Salvia sclaria -Russia- a dry rustic almost tobacco like scent that guys find euphoric. Helps in treating more male emotional issues and bring back into balance. Helps with some addiction problems both in clearing the residues and for helping moods. Also good for genito-urinary problems, fluid retention and cellulite. Due to the type of phyto-hormones, guys seem to respond best but has been also helpful to get periods rebalanced after being thrown off from pharmaceuticals. Avoid on young children, if pregnant or nursing. Avoid if estrogen is a problem.
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Clementine (Citrus clementius var. hort)
Clementine: psyche oil – Citrus clementius var. hort – with beneficial actions- a sweet light scent that can be almost hypnotic. It revitalizes and yet sedates at the same time. Making this a pleasant ‘‘happy’ oil. Good for when feeling stagnant maybe depressed and cynical or hoepfless to bring out a feeling of encouraged, optimistic, grounded and stable. Gives the ability to see the worst yet think the best.
Clove Bud (Eugenia caryophyllata Commores)
Clove Bud: base note – sympathetic – a deep warm, spicy scented oil. Clove is a lovely scent with a powerful punch. It helps target against parasitic worms, bacteria, fungus, and the like. And so it is used for many things from colds, flus, athlete’s foot to toothaches and minor infections. It helps reduce pain levels. It helps improve digestion, and open breathing passages. It uplifts the mood and improves mental clarity. May irritate sensitive skin. Avoid if pregnant.
Clove Blossom (Eugenia caryophyllata) Madagascar
Clove Flower: base note – adaptable – base oil- a more gentle form of clove and a hint of sweetness. This is an oil good for muscle spasms, arthritis and other aches and pains. Clove flower is safe for use across the chest and throat in cases of strep and pneumonia. An uplifting and charismatic oil.
Coffee bean – absolute (Coffee arabica) Middle East
Coffee bean: base note – psyche oil – a definite coffee scent that can blend very well with other warm and spicy oils.This oil was used by ancient Sultans to counter the stresses of having many wives, and thus so many emotions encircling them. Also, while keeping control of large groups of strongly minded males. Do you have too many things on the go? Work, family, house management sending you in a whirlwind? This oil helps you to be able to sort out the most important, and set priorities with time management and the emotions surrounding these.
Coffee Flower – absolute (Coffee arabica) Middle East
Coffee Flower: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the flowers of South Pacific coffee. This is a spicy floral with a green twist. Not a coffee smell but gives one the thought of warm tropical days and a touch of energy and “Don’t worry, be happy” vibe. Vacationing in the tropics and letting your worries be thousands of miles away. Really a euphoric and happy scent but not losing your head kind of feeling.
Coriander (Coriandum sativum) Romania
Coriander: top note – parasympathetic – Coriander Coriandum sativum Romania- a fresh spicy oil with a tangy twist that calms and soothes the stomach. A fantastic oil for helping to detox benefiting the lymphatic system and liver. Helps to soothe the mind for addictive issues, and helps to clean out the toxins accumulated. Helps restore, regenerate and revitalize the mind and body. Great for muscles, aches and pains as it is a lymphatic help. Also good for nervous exhaustion and the digestive system. Great also for migraines and other sympathetic problems. Has a definite euphoric action. Do not mix with fennel or anise oil.
Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) Spain
Cypress: middle note – adaptable – Cypress Cupressus sempervirens Spain- a light and sharp woodsy scent. A good oil for fluid issues throughout the whole body; such as sinusitis, fluid retention, pneumonia, colds and sprains. Helps to calm extreme fears and hyper-stressed persons. Has been useful in helping with bedwetting and night terrors. Helpful for the liver and lymphatic back up such as edema and poor circulation. Relieves muscle tension and benefits the urinary system. Helps regulate the female reproductive and hormonal system. Balances the nervous system. Helps release emotions with relation to some negative sexual experiences. Avoid during the early stages of pregnancy and infants and children.
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Cocoa – absolute (Theobroma cacao) Ghana/Ivory Coast
Cocoa: base note – psyche oil – an absolute distilled from the roasted and pressed cocoa bean. This imparts just a hint of that decadent chocolate scent along with a slight twist.
This has the euphoric hit of the endorphin like compounds found in chocolate. That same “feel good” scent with no calories, but helps with pain control and emotional reassurance.
Cumin (Cumin cyminum) Turkey
Cumin: top note – parasympathetic – Cumin Cumin cyminum Turkey- a dryer pungent scent from the seed. This is an underrated oil due to it’s strong scent. Great for pain relief, and inflammation issues. Helps the liver and lymphatic system, as it is an antitoxic oil. A warming oil, thus helpful for the circulatory system and heart. Also a thyroid stimulant and nerve tonic. Great for cellulite too and the digestive system. No precautions to be noted other than the rather pungent scent. Avoid in pregnancy, and sun exposure.
Davana – (Artemisia Pallens) India
Davana: middle note – sympathetic – steam distilled from flowers just before opening. It has a deep rich sweet fruity scent. A Grounding oil that feels like a gentle warm hug. It gives an amazing benefits and support for the female reproductive system. It works to help resorte hormonal balance and regulate the menstrual cycle and help ease menopausal changes. It is a great sleed aid and helps one to ‘wind down’ It reduces muscle spasms. Good for minor pain and inflammation in the body as well. Davana is a truly special oil for helping both the body and emotions to soothe and balance. Emotionally it creates a feeling of warmth, happiness and enjoyment and focusing on the sweetness of life. Also a lung decongestant. Avoid in pregnancy and infants and small children.
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)
Eucalyptus, globulus: top note – sympathetic – a similar camphor-medicinal scent that reminds us of Vicks chest rub. Helps counter viruses and bacteria that bother the respiratory system and helps to bring down fevers and counter those aches and pains that show up along side it. Helpful with achy joints and sprains. Helps for those colds/flus that seem unending and seemt to wear you out over length of time. An energy boost for those with these kinds of colds/flus. Do not use on: children under 12, or if pregnant, or someone whose had a seizure disorder or has high blood pressure. If homeopathics are being used this will counter them. May irritate sensitive or damp skin.
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus, radiata)
Eucalyptus, True (Radiata): top note – sympathetic – a softer scent than the eucalyptus globulous. It is a very powerful anti-septic, anti-viral and anti-fungal oil. Have had good success using this when working with athlete’s foot or warts of any kind. Good in dealing with colds, achey muscles and head aches. Safe for everybody – the one we prefer to sell because of lack of precautions. May irritate damp or sensitive skin.
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Elemi (Canarium luzonicum)
Elemi: middle note – sympathetic – a close comparison to the frankincense oil we use. Known as ‘poor man’s Frankincense”. A slightly sweeter oil than its relative. Great for pain reduction, and stimulating the nervous and immune systems to strengthen. Open breathing passages and uplifts the mood. Works as an antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic as well as antiviral. A great over all oil and less expensive than the true Frankincense. Do not mix with peru-balsam oil.
Fennel, sweet (Foeniculum vulgare)
Fennel, sweet: middle note – sympathetic – a bright licorice-y scent that helps give energy and gets the digestive juices flowing. Beneficial for digestive upsets, fluid retention, food poisoning and muscle spasms. Helps prevent vomiting. Helps counter fevers and improve digestion. Benefits and regulates the female reproductive system in that it stimulates estrogen. Has been found to help with spider and other insect bites in relieving itching. Avoid during pregnancy, epilepsy, kidney problems and homeo-pathic remedies or on children under 12. May irritate damp or sensitive skin. Do not mix with anise or coriander.
Fir, Canadian Balsam (Abies balsames) Canada
Canadian Balsam: middle note – an oil from resin of the inner bark. It has a very fresh but earthy grounding scent. A soothing effect for wounds, cuts and burns. Also a helpful anti-viral and anti-spasmodic for the lungs and stomach. Thus good for flus, asthma, coughs, bronchitis, sore throats, etc. Is a help to the circulation, as well as a tonic for the urinary system and a mental stimulant (uplifts). Good for use in helping skin irritations and wounds as well as muscle aches, pains and arthritis. More grounding and soothing than its Needle Oil. Possibly irritating to sweaty or sensitive skin (rare).
Fir, Douglas (Pseudotsuga menziis)
Douglas Fir: middle note – parasympathetic – this oil is great for helping respiratory problems. Used for wounds and scrapes and is a lymphatic stimulant. Helps calm and reassure and yet also helps with uplifting and mental clarity. A gentle oil thus can be used on little ones who have croup or other breathing issues at proper dosages. Safe for everyone but could be irritating to sweaty or sensitive skin.
Fir, Needle (Abies balsamea) Canada
Canadian Fir Needle: middle note – parasympathetic – an oil that comes from the needles of the Fir tree, with a very fresh and clean smell. A good anti-viral and anti-spasmodic, for the respiratory system. Thus helps when under the weather with the flu, asthma, coughs, bronchitis, sore throats, etc. Is a tonic for the urinary system and central nervous system, and is a mental stimulant. It refreshes, revives and helps with mental clarity. Helpful for flushing backed up lymph deposits in the body as well. Also a good general sedative. Because it helps release mucus and build up, take care with asthma and whooping cough as it could increase bronchial spasms.
Fir Silver (Abies alba)
Fir, Silver: middle note -adaptable – a gentle, fresh scented oil which calms and stimulates the mind. It clears the air of viruses and pollution, great for respiratory, skin and fluid problems. Soothes tired and sore muscles and arthritic conditions. Safe for most people but could be irritating to sweaty or sensitive skin. Helps prevent or relieve coughs but take care as it could increase bronchial spasms so take care with those that have asthma and whooping cough.
Frangipani – absolute (Plumeria alba) Philippines
Frangipani: base note – psyche oil – A heady, yet delicate floral that soothes and uplifts the mind. It imparts a type of mellowing to the person and which lessens stress the way warm tropical breezes hit us. It helps give a lighter, softer enriched feeling that helps for self-worth and condemning oneself.
Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) Somalia
Frankincense: base note – parasympathetic – from a resin that’s been used, dating back to ancient times. Favoured as an antifungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, and pain relieving oil. This is one of the more favoured oils out there for these reasons as well as the emotional aspects it imparts. It works as an uplifting, grounding and centering oil and helps stimulate the immune system especially when under stress. Beneficial for respiratory, urinary tract and skin disorders. Good for everyone but especially helpful during and after labour due to calming effect on nervous system. Many benefits to this oil, it eases joint pain, repairs skin cells, helps with inflammation related to headaches and muscle tension. A safe oil for sensitive ones like children and elderly. Helps one to reflect and brings one a peace and calmness.
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Frankincense, Sacred (Boswellia sacra) Oman
Frankincense: base note – parasympathetic – from a resin dating back to ancient times. It is similar to the classic frankincense (carterii) however it comes from the trees native to Oman, a region known for producing premium quality frankincense oil. It carefully is harvested where few distillers have permission to work locally. It is similar in all physical aspects however a better emotionally soothing and grounding oil than it’s classic frankincense (carterii).
Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides)
Gardenia: base note – psyche oil – a beautiful fragrance that is fresh and the same time hardy. This oil is good for those trying their best, dealing with hard times and enduring but needing some loving support. You put out what you don’t receive back and this oil supports the lack. It helps you take a step back and smell the ‘gardenia’s and not forget to take care of yourself while taking care of others around you. Benefits those with a somewhat fragile ego or self worth, assisting them to feel more self confident and able to live with fortitude in this world.
Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
Geranium: middle note – sympathetic – this oil is so very helpful in balancing out both the nervous system and the immune system. It is a stimulant for the circulatory system also and the adrenals, thus helping with energy levels. It helps the adrenal cortex which balances and regulates the endocrine system and it’s hormones, thus helping with PMS and menopause issues. It is a lovely bright fragrant oil that really uplifts moods and reduces tension. Helps stimulate the lymph, thus reducing fluids and helps against cellulite but also improve lymph circulation in muscles. Good for rejuvenating the mind, skin and body. Avoid in early pregnancy.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger: base note – parasympathetic – a bold, spicy scent that creates warmth in the body due to helping the circulatory and nervous system. Helps with nausea and digestive issues in the stomach while soothing the intestines. Helps get rid of extra fluid and salt in the body, regulating fluids, edema, and benefiting the kidneys. Ginger brings increased circulation to the joints and lower extremities. Good for many digestive upsets, muscle aches and spasms, head colds and other immune problems. May irritate sensitive skin. Do not mix with peru balsam.
Grapefruit, Pink (Citrus paradisi) USA
Grapefruit, pink – top note – adaptable – a bright, happy citrus that has a yummy-like scent that makes you almost instantly smile. An uplifting, feel good oil that blends with other citruses or florals to help feelings of self worth. Helps against fluid retention, depression headaches, and performance stress. When under stress our digestion may suffer, this oil helps to reset and stimulate the digestion. Pink grapefruit has a more uplifting affect than the white grapefruit but also works to stabilize emotions from lifes stresses and too much on one’s plate. Possible sun sensitizer and irritation of sensitive skins.
Grapefruit, white (Citrus paradisi) USA
Grapefruit, white – top note – balanced – a softer gentle citrus than the pink grapefruit. Gives one an optimistic attitude. Works as a general tonic, and helps with muscle fatigue while increasing circulation and stimulating the lymph system. It increases circulation and is a liver tonic. Thus it is good for cellulite, fluid issues, and can help regulate body weight. Helps with stress related to digestive issues and has been known to help treat anorexia and bulimia. Could irritate sensitive skin.
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Helichrysum, a.k.a. Immortelle (Helichrysum italicum) Croatia
Immortelle: (Helichrysum Italicum): base note – balanced – a light balanced scent of an oil, known as the curry plant but not at all quite as potent as the curry we know and use in cooking. Blends in with other oils so you don’t notice the scent, but a very beneficial oil. Ideal in lymphatic massages, as it helps the lymph, stress related conditions and works as a liver stimulant. Used in treating many skin irritations such as wounds, bruises, warts, scars, stretch marks and allergies. Also used in balancing female hormones in PMS and menopause.
Honeysuckle (Lonicera albiflora)
Honeysuckle: base note – psyche oil – a delightful, happy and delicate floral that brings out the childlike fun from within. When we’ve been bogged down with work and responsibilities and need to remember to ‘play’. A flower that creates some feelings of lightness, warmth and happiness and a letting go of burden.
Ho wood (Laurus camphora)
Ho Leaf: middle note – adaptable – a sharper lighter scent than its relative – Rosewood. Helps the respiratory system and nervous system. Thus helps with anxiety, depression, stress, and insomnia. Helps reduce candida and is very helpful for balancing out the skin in many skin issues like dermatitis, acne, dry skin, dull skin or oily skin. Even with scars and stretch marks helps to regenerate the skin to heal.
Hops (Humulus lupulus)
Hops flower: base note – adaptable – gives off a smell like that of a strong, rough-around-the-edges kinda beer. Most guys tend to like this oil. Which makes sense as it seems to balance the testerone levels and give a sense of euphoria and works as an aphrodisiac, which is good for helping men during those in mid life crisis suffering from a stress overload to be able to relax and get back to enjoying life – in balance. Doesn’t seem to give the girls the same kind of euphoria. Avoid with depression issues, or hormone dependent cancers such as breast, uterine, and ovarion. Do not use the oil for extended periods of time.
Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis)
Hyacinth: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the flowers of the plant. A very rich, luxurious and delicate floral scent that seems to uplift the mind to great extent and give clarity to one’s thoughts while being immensely happy. It gives an intense, fast changing response to feelings of stress as if helium balloons were attached to one’s head. Extremely useful where stress is causing severe physiological problems, to help take the pressure off and be able to just let it all go and just breathe life in again.
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
Hyssop: middle note – sympathetic – a very dry almost dusty scent, it really cleans the sinuses. Long used to cleanse the air by ancient peoples, it really is a great disinfectant. Strong anti viral, anti fungal, it can be hard on the body and not just the bugs. Clears mucous and phlegm out of the respiratory as well as other mucus membranes making it good for pneumonia and colds as well as gut problems. Fairly high in ketones so potentially hard on the liver. Not to be used with high blood pressure, seizure disorders, pregnancy or around small children.
Jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum)
Jasmine, grandiflora: base note – sympathetic – fairly strong deeper smell, a helpful feel-good oil. It is an aphrodisiac, an antidepressant, anti inflammatory and a pain reducing oil. Thus wonderful as an ‘emotional survival’ oil. Is a tonic for the female reproductive system. And is wonderful for skin care as it rejuvenates the skin. Helps one to be more optimistic. It can help regulate and deepen breathing by coughs and spasms. Do not use during pregnancy.
Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis)
Juniper Berry: middle note – adaptable – Skin irritations benefit from this oil. As they are usually moist such as sores, dermatitis, acne, skin rashes and show an out of balance with fluids in the body. It is a bactericide as well as antifungal. A pleasant scent reminiscent of gin. Helps to purify the blood, is a detoxifier and helps lymphatic removes toxins. Reduces cellulite. Helps with memory and mental clarity improvement. It lessens menstrual pain and fluid retention in the body. Helps one to be more decisive, empowered and energized all while being refreshed. A great diuretic but do not use during pregnancy and persons with kidney disease. Should not be used over prolonged periods of time.
Labdanum (Rock rose) (Cistus landiferus)
(Rock Rose): base note – psyche oil – Cistus ladaniferus – with beneficial actions – a smokey almost camp fire sweet scent that calms and gives reassurance and grounding for those who love the great outdoors. For when dealing with emotional extremes. Everything is great to the sky is falling. Supports feeling emotionally balanced and having inner peace during these times. Helps to see the good and the bad when everything feels shook up. Very good at calming and soothing overworked minds and has been used for stabilizing hormones in both genders.
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Lavender (Lavandula angustifolium)
Lavender: middle note – balanced – Regarded as a useful essential oil for every first aid kit. Use on cuts, burns, anything that needs healing. Stimulates cell regeneration and the immune system. Decreases pain and muscle tightness. Great for nervous tension and shock. Helps for migraines and headaches. Helps one to be more relaxed, at peace and loving. Best avoided by people with low blood pressure. Do not mix with iodine or iron.
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
Lilac: base note – psyche oil – an absolute obtained from the flowers blooming late spring/early summer on the white lilac. This is a rich and deep scent that has a somewhat slightly narcotic action. When surrounded by this fragrance, one may feel the feeling of “life? Who cares! I feel fine.” This is very useful for chronic pain or auto immune disorders or when a person is feeling overwhelmed by life and busyness.
Lemon (Citrus limonium)
Lemon: top note – sympathetic – As a known antibacterial oil, it’s used commonly in household products and uplifts the mood while cleaning! It is an antidepressant and anti stress oil. Helps decongest the body and detoxify as well as improves digestion. A citrus that helps stimulate skin cells, the immune system as well as the mind and emotions. Helps balance acid levels in the body. Good for stopping bleeding and lymphedema around wounds. Works wonderful for abnormal skin blotches or warts since it seems to change the cell structure. Planters warts, ticks, parasites and other penetrating nasties don’t stand a chance with application of this oil. Possible skin and sun sensitization – so take care in direct light after application, but has been noted to be used to repair and counter sun damage.
Lemongrass (Cymbopogan citratus)
Lemongrass: top note – parasympathetic – Is a dry lemony scent that is energizing and yet calming. This has a history of use in Thai foods to help with digestion and the stress of life. Good as an anti spasmodic and liver tonic, it is also an oil that helps kill parasites in the body. It is an immune stimulant so wouldn’t be best to be used on anyone with any kind of stress disorders since it could very possibly make their symptoms intensify. It is an antidepressant and helps one feel happier and have more depth of feeling. Great for skin care yet can be irritating to the skin so must be WELL diluted with a carrier oil. Avoid in pregnancy.
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)
Lime: top note – parasympathetic – A great antibacterial oil like it’s cousin Lemon, as well as helps to kill parasites (think southern tropical places that squeeze lime juice on everything). It stimulates the energy levels in the body and mind. Disinfects and is a blood purifier. Invigorates the immune system. Also helps as a laxative. And soothes insect bites. Refreshes, revives and uplifts mood. Helps to breakdown and reduce plaque deposits in the body, thus helpful for cholesterol. Possible skin irritation and sun sensitization if applied before going in direct sunlight. But has been used on sun burns and sun rashes to calm them down, so take care how and when you use it. Little kids often like the smell and calm down when having it around them.
Linden Blossom (Tilia europea)
Linden Blossom: base note – parasympathetic – an oil made from dried flowers. It’s a delicate floral, but packs a punch in this scent. It is a tonic for the nervous system, skin, liver, lymph and kidneys. One of my favorite oils for any kind of stress related issue. It helps with discomfort from joint pain and eases off stress related conditions. Helps with grief, shock, feeling overwhelmed and when you just ‘can’t go on’. It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-neuralgic which are just a couple of properties that makes this such a valuable oil.
Litsea Cubeba (Litsea cubeba) China
Litsea Cubeba: top note – balanced – a light sweet uplifting scent like lemon sugared candies. A wonderful feel good oil which is also anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal (basically fights all bad guys). Is a help for nervous tension. A tonic for the digestive system, and liver. Emotionally makes one lighthearted and joyful. Litsea has proved to be a nice one to add for countering allergies and fatigue. May irritate sensitive skin.
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Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) China
Magnolia: base note – psyche oil – a happy, linguering floral scent with a sweetness and light heartedness.. Adds a bit of light and brightness to any blend that is a bit too heavy. A very soothing and comforting oil. A great helps for countering chronic pain and depression.
Lotus, pink (Nelumbo nucifera) India
Lotus, pink: base note – psyche oil – A sweet herbaly oil that drops off quicker than most psyches. An aphrodisiac, calms the heart, and is pain reducing. Helps those that have a ‘free flowing anxiety’ that comes and goes frequently. For when you feel anxious or worried and don’t know what about. Helps to keeps a calm resenence thru your days. Helps one feel detached from their problems so they can think and examine how best to proceed without all the emotions mixed up in it. Wonderful for times of enduring through something for any length, with pain and/or major emotional stress – a ‘take me away!’ oil.
Lotus, white (Nelumbo nucifera) India
Lotus, white: base note – psyche oil – A tad lighter but longer lasting scent than it’s cousin the Blue Lotus. A calming and grounding oil for it’s user. One that helps one feel safer in their world. When you punish yourself for not doing good enough or being good enough. To an transition of emotionally knowing you will be successful and are special in your own path. Able to make mistakes and not self condemn.
Mandarin, Red (Citrus nobilis)
Mandarin, Red: top note – parasympathetic – Works well as it is a lymphatic and digestive stimulant, helps lymphatic circulation. Thus helps edema. Revitalizes and is an antistress oil. Also great as a liver tonic and for calming the entire smooth muscle (involuntary) system from the lungs, heart, stomach and gut levels. Relieves emotional stress and tension. Helps calm angry, irritable feelings. Improves mental clarity and promotes sleep. Asthma, IBS, chron’s disease, palpitations and migraines seem to calm down with red mandarin. Mandarin has been a help to rid the body of toxins and drugs of any kind, including prescription or recreational. May irritate sensitive skin.
Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium)
Manuka: middle note – adaptable – Is an anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti- fungal oil. Helps calm pain and mental anguish. Relieves aches and pains, and loosens tight muscles and muscle inflammation. An oil that helps calm strep bacteria or candida/yeast infections. To help counter irritation to the female pelvic floor, combine this oil with chamomile and yarrow.
Melissa (Melissa officinalis) France
Melissa: middle note – adaptable – a soft lemon scented oil also referred to as lemon balm. This is an antihistamine oil thus good for allergy related issues, It is also an anti-fungal and hormonally balancing oil. Helps to stimulate the immune system and thymus gland. Has been used to help with Alzheimers and other depression/brain disorders. Things such as anxiety, depression, hypertension, insomnia (due to stress), migraines and nervous tension and shock all do well with this oil. Liver stimulating and uplifting, melissa can also be used on a daily basis to counter auto immune responses. Helps emotionally for one facing many difficulties to take the problems off oneself and focus on others. May cause irritation on sensitive skin.
Marjoram Sweet (Origanum marjorana) France
Marjoram: middle note – parasympathetic – a dry woodsy/herbal scent. So good for muscle spasms including of the male parts kind. Some with asthma have found marjoram to be very helpful in countering attacks. Has proven to be helpful in healing torn muscles and ligaments both from the pain but also stimulating the torn ends to rejoin to the bone. It improves circulation and dilates blood vessels and helps unblock the sympathetic nervous system. Thus helps with headaches, migraines, stress and nervous tension. A warming and comforting oil. Do not use for prolonged periods of time or with pregnancy or small children.
Mimosa (Acacia dealbata) Tunisia
Mimosa: base note – psyche oil – a cucumber/melon like mellow scented oil which gives a cooling effect on overstressed ones. The scent is a warm and gentle one. Wonderful for cooling overworked and extreme emotions that have been in play for a long time (long held anxiety, work place pressure over a prolonged time, etc.) and uplifts the tired spirit. Like it’s flower, which is a soft, golden fuzzy, the oil seems to impart that same warm feeling. Good for low self worth or self respect. Helps one to feel grounded, safe and secure while continuing to endure difficult circumstances.
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Motia (Jasminum sambac) India
Motia: base note – psyche oil – A deep, heavy scented oil. That gives a strong sense of grounding and self worth. This helps to refresh the inner soul and emotional being. So good for countering the feelings of being over burdened by life and emotionally lost. Helps when one gets to the point of apathy, listlessness, paranoic or simply feeling indifferent. Helps to give self confidence, an optimistic attitude, sensually excited and making life seem more beautiful. A delightful sweet, slightly fruity aroma that blends with everything.
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
Myrrh: base note – balanced – a resin that dates back thousands of years, highly prized as an anti-fungal and disinfectant. Helps to stimulate white blood cell production. Used to ground one when coming through an emotional trauma. Great for inflammed, and cracked skin.Seems to have a cooling action on heated emotions and skin. Beneficial for skin wounds, fungal infections and respiratory conditions. Best avoided during pregnancy.
Myrtle (Myrtus communis)
Myrtle: top note – parasympathetic – has a lovely light fresh scent and is uplifting. A great antiviral and antifungal and is safe for most everyone for colds. When used on the pillow at night, the dreams and sleep are more pleasant and soothing. ADHD and other behavioural disorders have been successfully soothed with myrtle. As it helps calm the over active minds, to become quiet, calm and focused. For changing the mood in a positive manner, a few drops of this along with orange does wonders. May irritate sensitive or moist skin.
Narcissus (Narcissus poeticus)
Narcissus: base note – psyche oil – an absolute obtained from the smaller flowers that are similar to daffodils in spring. This is a soft, sweet fragrance that works well on changing the stress responses from things such as migraines but where it must be done on a subtle level. The joy of life and the zest for living are a couple of its benefits. This is a warm, golden, heady springtime high. Slightly narcotic, which makes useful in extreme stress responses. Thus one to two drops only per blend.
Neroli (Citrus aurantium)
Neroli: (Orange Blossom) base note – parasympathetic – Incredibly helpful in times of high anxiety, shock, depression, stress and the like. An antidepressant. Helps deal with chronic pain and muscle injuries. Beneficial in skin care and as an aphrodisiac due to its calming effect. Good for countering stress and aches and pains. Has been shown to be fabulous during labour and other times of high stress. No known precautions.
Night Queen (Cestrum nocturna)
Nightqueen: base note – psyche oil – an absolute obtained from the flowers. The translation from Spanish is “smells in the night”, named since during the day the flowers are basically non-existent and not fragrant at all. At night time, the trumpet-like flowers give off an intoxicating, mellow scent that soothes and calms everyone and everything. Fantastic for out of control pain, major stress and any alleviating of an over taxed nervous system. Helps warm the heart, and is an aphrodisiac. One drop per blend.
Niaouli (Melaleuca viridiflora)
Niaouli: top note – balanced – Good for skin healing, including bruises and sunburns, respiratory infections and protecting the skin. Safe for everyone and wonderful in healing severe sun or radiation damaged areas. Used to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system and support the endocrine system. Helps eliminate cellulite adn waste front he body. This can be put neat onto any damage be it a sun burn, sun rash, hives or even skin that is changing texture.
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
Nutmeg: base note – parasympathetic – this is a heavy spicy oil. As with drinking eggnog those are all mellow and happy, it’s not quite due to the rum or brandy but rather the nutmeg oil itself being released from the spice. Great for treating major stress symptoms such as migraines, IBS/chron’s disease or chronic pain. Helpful for nervous, stressed and tense individuals.This is a liver tonifier but also a narcotic. Should be treated with care. Could irritate sweaty or sensitive skin.
Oakmoss (Evernia prunesti)
Oakmoss: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the lichens growing on oak trees. This is an earthy, spicy scent that is favoured as a masculine one. Very grounding but uplifting at the same time. Helpful for forgetful people to becoming more connected and feeling the lights have ‘turned on’. Beneficial for putting some light and life into the left brainers. This adds a warmth to any blend.
Orange, blood orange (Citrus sinensis var sanguinaria) Israel
Blood Orange: top note – adaptable – an energetic, bubbly scent with some depth. It brightens and enlivens attitudes, calms hyper reactive ones and generally promotes good interactions in relationships. Thus helpful and considered an antidepressant. A gentle pain killer and muscle relaxer that helps detox the body. It is great for the lymphatic system as it is a stimulant. Also a digestive tonic and nervous sedative (calming). Great for use in skin care preparations such as for dull or oily skin, or dry, almost cracked skin and wrinkles. Could irritate sensitive skin.
Orange, sweet (Citrus sinensis) Portugal
Orange, Sweet: top note – parasympathetic – a citrus that we all love. This is a relaxing, happy, soothing oil, beneficial for depression, anxiety, nervous conditions or muscle problems. Good as an anti-septic with a mellowing effect. Great for those with long term illnesses, or having had abusive treatment or in a dissociative state. Helps one to enjoy life, feel it is sweet and happy and glad to be alive and in the moment. Orange possesses very gentle but very definite pain killing/anti-inflammatory actions which makes it beneficial in treating arthritis, muscle spasms, IBS, or skin rashes. Possible skin irritation and sun sensitization.
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Oregano (Origanum compactum) Turkey
Oregano: top note – a very hot oil that is to be used sparingly on anyone that has had a major problem shaking off an infection. This could be a viral or bacterial infection on the skin or on the inside. Helps with reducing fevers in combination with a cold/flu bug as well. Helps boost the nervous system, spleen and liver. Used for parasites and as a fungicide. Watch blood pressure.
Osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans) China
Osmanthus: psyche oil – base note – an absolute obtained from the flowers of a tree. A scnet that reminds one of jube jubes. This very sweet, happy fragrance seems to lift, soothe and sweeten any blend it is put into. A wonderful one to add to any blend for a child or someone needing a childs like touch of light and joy!
Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini) Hungary
Palma Rosa: top note – balanced/sympathetic – a pleasant dry grassy floral. A good hormone balancer with a clearing effect on troubled or parched skin. Palma rosa is a grass that assists in balancing fluids in the muscles and tummy. Helps one taking life too seriously and putting limits on oneself. When being a perfectionist, helps let go, stop and have some fun. Has been known to cause some moodiness and hot flashes thus take care in the regular amount of use of this oil.
Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) Indonesia
Patchouli: base note – parasympathetic – a very lingering scent, reminding one of the >60s. Useful in healing skin problems such as acne, allergies, types of eczema and as an uplifter for depression. Also said to decrease the appetite and reduce fluid retention. A diuretic, deodorant and sedative. A great insect repellant. Good for assisting in rebuilding the motor functions and countering auto immune attacks. Careful how much you use or what you get this on since the scent really lingers.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) England
Peppermint: middle note – sympathetic – a fresh, sharp odour that is beneficial for upset stomachs, headaches, achey muscles and mental alertness. Helps calm one when they can’t seem to stop vomiting. Helps for fainting, headaches and general mental fatigue. Great for needing to be alert, but should not be used just before bedtime due to its highly stimulating nature. Avoid during pregnancy and if homeopathic remedies are being used..
Pine Needle (Pinus sylvestris) Hungary
Pine: middle note – sympathetic – a fresh, clean scent that causes one to breathe in a long deep breath. Pine is beneficial for any respiratory complaints such as asthma, pneumonia and pleurisy. Used for lice, excessivce perspiration, gout, aches and pains and so much more in balancing an out of balanced body. Revives one when needing mental clarity, improved memory, and to refresh and revive. This was and is used in salves and other preparations to counter inflammations and irritations. May irritate sensitive skins. Avoid use in the bath or with high blood pressure.
Plai (Zingiber cassumunar) Thailand
Plai: base note – adaptable – a specific type of ginger with a scent similar ripe green peppers. This has been shown to be an incredible anti-tumour oil which causes the cancer cells to self destruct. Great for the immune, and lymphatic system in general. Used in clinics as an anti-inflammatory and pain killing for surgeries and seriously inflamed joints. It’s main precaution is the strength of smell though it may irritate sensitive skin.
Poplar (Populus balsamifera) B. C.
Poplar: base note – adaptable – a soothing, gentle oil reminding one of ‘autumn’. Poplar balances fluids and eases swollen joints or muscle tears. A great immuno-stimulant and helps with colds, asthma and allergies. This is a lymphatic stimulant so it can be of great assistance for those on immuno-suppressants to counter viral infections or auto immune attacks.
Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica) Madagascar
Ravensara: middle note – balanced/ adaptable – this oil has a cousin RAVINTSARA. Notice, not the same name and not the same oil even though some will say they are. Has been helpful in using for the chicken pox/shingles virus. Helps when allergy season hits hard. Helps expell mucus. Some have also found it helpful for cold sores and genital herpes. May irritate damp, sweaty or sensitive skin.
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Rose (Rosa damascena) Morocco
Rose: base note – balanced – (it takes 30 roses to make one drop) – It is wonderful to be used as a personal perfume, and is beneficial for so manu things. Including the female reproductive system, skin care, depression and as an aphrodisiac. Truly a feel good, strengthening oil for women. Rose is a good liver tonic and counters heavy stress hits which makes it beneficial for auto immune problems such as; MS, lupus, arthritis, breast cancers, endometriosis and heart attacks. Helps counter rage and over active testosterone problems. It also helps with prostrate problems. Best avoided during pregnancy or children not yet in puberty.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Hungary
Rosemary: middle note – sympathetic – a clean and herby scent which is a stimulant of the memory and the immune system. Helps with muscle and joint pain. Rosemary is also a good anti-viral and fever reducing. Helps with dandruff issues, lice, and any skin related issues such as eczema and psoriasis. Also helps gout issues reduce. Also Should be avoided by people with high blood pressure, epilepsy or if pregnant.
Rosewood (Aniba roseodora) India
Rosewood: middle note – parasympathetic – a fresh floral/citrus scented wood oil. This oil is fantastic for balancing the endocrine system, calming the emotional system and generally bringing the body back to homeostasis. Helps calm muscle spasms from overuse, PMS and periods or migraines all seem to calm down as well as joint disorders such as arthritis, sprains or lupus respond well to rosewood. Great for skin as a regenerator and for wrinkles. Also is an aphrodisiac, and an antiseptic for the urinary systems. Stimulates the immune system.
Sage (Salvia officinalis) Tunisia
Sage: top note – sympathetic – a dry, dusty scented oil that, as the herb, has been used to cleanse the mind and body before religious ceremonies. The essential oil contains a high level of ketones making the risk of toxicity fairly high. It has been used for hormone imbalances as well as mental disorders. Use extreme care with number of drops on anyone. Avoid in pregnacy and with children.
Sandalwood (Santalum album) India
Sandalwood: base note – parasympathetic – a very lingering oil that is calming on the nervous, respiratory and urinary systems. With it being from wood, sandalwood assists in stabilizing critical things in our body such as breathing, digestive, cardiac, neurological and genito-urinary systems. It helps with both dehydrated and oily skins. Well liked in perfumes
Spikenard (Extra Nardostachys grandiflora) India
Spikenard: base note – adaptable – a deep lingering fragrance that has gradual but long term action on the mind and spirit in the releasing of tensions and worries. It has been shown that prolonged use can cause a bit of personality irritation. Not for everybody.
Tagetes (Tagestes minuta) Madagascar
Tagetes: middle note – parasympathetic oil – also commonly known as marigold. Works as an anti inflammatory oil, which helps with muscle spams. Helps stimulate cell production, thus helps with skincare in anti-aging. Helps to flush the lymphatic system and get it moving and processing better. Helps also in normalizing menstrual issues. Calms aches and pains. Great for helping to recentre the mind. Helps one move forward in a more positive and constructive manner. Avoid in pregnancy and with infants and small children.
Tangerine (Citrus reticulata var. dancy) S. America
Tangerine: top note – sympathetic – this is an energetic citrus, just the opposite of its cousin the mandarin. It has long been used as an energizer and helping concentration by getting the neurons working. Also a good pain killer and antispasmodic, tangerine could be used in cases of joint and muscle pain. May irritate sensitive skin.
Tarragon (Artimesia dracunculas) Hungary
Tarragon: base note – parasympathetic – a spicy but cooling oil, tarragon needs to be watched as to origin. The French one has a high level of ketones which could be dangerous for much use. From the rest of the world, the ketone levels are much lower making it safe to use. For chronic problems like arthritis or torn muscles, this is an oil to grab since it is both pain killing and anti- inflammatory. For pleurisy, this oil combined with ravensara can kick it fast. Other respiratory problems as well as digestive problems all seem to respond well to tarragon. May irritate sensitive skin and may keep persons awake at night.
Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) Australia
Tea Tree (Ti-Tree): top note – balanced – a very strong antiseptic with anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Can be used for athlete’s foot, skin annoyances or problems with the immune system. May irritate sensitive skin or cause severe sweating if overused to counter viral infections.
Thyme Sweet (Thymus vulgaris) East Europe
Thyme: top note – parasympathetic – from the thyme linalol making this oil more skin friendly than the red thyme, however, still not a good idea to put in contact with mucus membranes. Good for boosting the immune system and countering strong sympathetic stimulation. Thyme is anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti yeast which makes this a beneficial oil to be used for candida and other such like infections.
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Tonka Bean (Dipteryx odorata) Venezuela
Tonka Bean: base note – psyche oil – an amber oil with a very mellow, soothing vanilla scent. Long used in perfumery to help other oils linger but also to give them warm twist. Could be irritating to sweaty or sensitive skin.
Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) India
Tuberose: base note – psyche oil – one of the very best emotional balancing oils, which is wonderful for extreme shock or extreme stress. Watch how many drops you use since it can be overpowering.
Turmeric (Circuma domestica Velet.) Thailand
Turmeric: base note – parasympathetic – a rather pungent warming oil that is being touted as the next biggest discovery in the treatment of inflammations, joint injuries and muscle problems. Good digestive, analgesic and liver tonifier but is finding incredible responses with various cancers. The powder has been used in improving skin tone and texture but, of course, that is for those who have that golden tone to their skin. You can hide the scent in a nice rose blend for the same action but without the colour. No precautions noted at this time other than the smell since it is a bit strong.
Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis) East Europe
Valerian Root: base note – parasympathetic – this is a very, very strong scented oil that isn’t too pleasant. As a tea or capsule, it has been used in helping sleep problems. Haven’t figured out how to disguise or soften the smell but if someone is really desperate and nothing else is working … well okay then. Can cause dizziness.
Verbena (Lipia citriodora) Peru
Verbena: top note – adaptable – a fresh, refreshing oil that works well on persons suffering from trauma or extreme emotional stress. This is also a liver rebuilding and tonifier that has been used for persons suffering from liver disorders such as hepatitis and chronic fatigue. Prolonged use is not really recommended. May irritate sensitive skin.
Vetivert (Vetiveria zizanoides) Haiti
Vetivert: base note – parasympathetic – a smokey, woodsy, earthy scent which does some powerful grounding on the emotions. Coming from the roots of a swamp grass, it seems to have an affinity for balancing fluids in the body whether in the extremities or on a wound area. It appears that a person either loves it or hates it. This is one lingering scent.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) Europe
Yarrow: top note – adaptable – a slightly dry, grassy blue oil. Great for wounds, stopping bleeding and generally looking after the skin. This oil also has shown to be an incredible assistant in balancing the hormone/endocrine levels of most everyone. Overuse could cause headaches, dizziness and nausea.
Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) Philippines
Ylang Ylang: base note – parasympathetic – a very lingering, feminine scent that is helpful with palpitations, anxiety, depression and for other stress related problems. A favourite in many perfumes due to the positiveness. Overuse could cause nausea and headaches. Can cause extreme anger in some due to the suppression of the adrenals.
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Specialty “Psyche” Oils
Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) France
Black Currant: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the berries and leaves. It comes across as deep, rich, and vibrant in a blend. It is grounding and yet uplifting. It also seems to take the focus off the negative and allows the positive to shine through. With feelings of being overwhelmed, black currant helps give support and reassurance. Great for caregivers who take on the world, (single parenting/working/caring for extended family/stretching yourself too thin for too long) this seems to give a rebuilding of the inner self needed to keep going in a positive manner. “Adrenals running low due to emotional exhaustion anyone?”
Carnation – absolute (Dianthus caryophyllus)
Carnation: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the flowers and leafy tops. A somewhat lighter scent but very effective for stress conditions of anxiety, depression and despondency. When in blends, it gives an uplifting, hint of spicey twist that adds a bit of energy to a blend. A positive, gentle and powerful upper that brings back life, the feelings of peace and the enjoyment of life thereof. Avoid use on damaged skin as it is an absolute.
Cassia – absolute (Cinnamomum cassia) China
Cassia: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the dried unripe fruits/seeds of the Chinese cinnamon. It has a strong spicy sweet scent that warms and energizes. The action has long been prized for stimulating the person’s energy level. Even just inhaling this oil, cools a person’s emotions from anger/passive-aggressive, and allows feelings of warmth and happifies the person. Be careful since this oil can be a skin irritant and hot on the skin if not diluted properly.
Cassie – absolute (Acacia farnesiana)
Cassie: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the flowers of a member of the acacia family. Not to be confused with cassia, from the cinnamon family. The smell is a calming sweet, earthy healthy scent. The feeling it gives is calm, mellow and laid back. The oil eases feeling overwhelmed by life and work. It helps with feelings of depression, nervous exhaustion, and general stress. It’s helpful for low self worth and self respect.
Champaca Red – absolute (Michelia champaca) India
Champaca, Red: base note – psyche oil – an oil from the flowers of a tropical vine with a sweet, warm enchanting scent. Allows the person to come into a confidence moving forward, feeling integrated within themselves despite the stresses they have come through. Very much a lightening of problems, putting those behind and moving forward with strength. It is an aphrodisiac and thus increases joy and feelings of being valued.
Champaca White – absolute (Michelia alba)
Champaca, White: base note – psyche oil – Michelia alba- from the white flowers of this tropical vine that has a warm but yet lighter and slightly sharper note than the Red Champaca. It is a gentle, reassuring, happy oil that soothes and stabilizes and uplifts. It will help give you that chance to breathe and mellow out and give you that ability to wind down but yet it still carries some energy with it. So, needing some soothing-sanity while still enduring your work day? This is a good one for resetting and rebalancing the sanity levels and hanging in there.
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Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylnicum)
Cinnamon Leaf: base note – psyche oil -Cinnamomum zeylanicum – it is from the leaves of the cinnamon. Good for those in an exhausted state, as it warms the emotions and body. Similar properties to the bark. Allows one to express themselves more assertively, instead of repressing anger. But showing in a balance of love of self and others.As it is a powerful oil, a half drop is often all that is needed. Avoid in pregnancy, and with infants and children. Or with liver health conditions.
Clementine (Citrus clementius var. hort)
Clementine: psyche oil – Citrus clementius var. hort – with beneficial actions- a sweet light scent that can be almost hypnotic. It revitalizes and yet sedates at the same time. Making this a pleasant ‘‘happy’ oil. Good for when feeling stagnant maybe depressed and cynical or hoepfless to bring out a feeling of encouraged, optimistic, grounded and stable. Gives the ability to see the worst yet think the best.
Cocoa – absolute (Theobroma cacao) Ghana/Ivory Coast
Cocoa: base note – psyche oil – an absolute distilled from the roasted and pressed cocoa bean. This imparts just a hint of that decadent chocolate scent along with a slight twist.
This has the euphoric hit of the endorphin like compounds found in chocolate. That same “feel good” scent with no calories, but helps with pain control and emotional reassurance.
Coffee Bean – absolute (Coffee arabica) Middle East
Coffee bean: base note – psyche oil – a definite coffee scent that can blend very well with other warm and spicy oils.This oil was used by ancient Sultans to counter the stresses of having many wives, and thus so many emotions encircling them. Also, while keeping control of large groups of strongly minded males. Do you have too many things on the go? Work, family, house management sending you in a whirlwind? This oil helps you to be able to sort out the most important, and set priorities with time management and the emotions surrounding these.
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Coffee Flower – absolute (Coffee arabica) Middle East
Coffee Flower: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the flowers of South Pacific coffee. This is a spicy floral with a green twist. Not a coffee smell but gives one the thought of warm tropical days and a touch of energy and “Don’t worry, be happy” vibe. Vacationing in the tropics and letting your worries be thousands of miles away. Really a euphoric and happy scent but not losing your head kind of feeling.
Frangipani – absolute (Plumeria alba) Philippines
Frangipani: base note – psyche oil – A heady, yet delicate floral that soothes and uplifts the mind. It imparts a type of mellowing to the person and which lessens stress the way warm tropical breezes hit us. It helps give a lighter, softer enriched feeling that helps for self-worth and condemning oneself.
Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides)
Gardenia: base note – psyche oil – a beautiful fragrance that is fresh and the same time hardy. This oil is good for those trying their best, dealing with hard times and enduring but needing some loving support. You put out what you don’t receive back and this oil supports the lack. It helps you take a step back and smell the ‘gardenia’s and not forget to take care of yourself while taking care of others around you. Benefits those with a somewhat fragile ego or self worth, assisting them to feel more self confident and able to live with fortitude in this world.
Honeysuckle (Lonicera albiflora)
Honeysuckle: base note – psyche oil – a delightful, happy and delicate floral that brings out the childlike fun from within. When we’ve been bogged down with work and responsibilities and need to remember to ‘play’. A flower that creates some feelings of lightness, warmth and happiness and a letting go of burden.
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Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis)
Hyacinth: base note – psyche oil – an absolute from the flowers of the plant. A very rich, luxurious and delicate floral scent that seems to uplift the mind to great extent and give clarity to one’s thoughts while being immensely happy. It gives an intense, fast changing response to feelings of stress as if helium balloons were attached to one’s head. Extremely useful where stress is causing severe physiological problems, to help take the pressure off and be able to just let it all go and just breathe life in again.
Labdanum (Rock rose) (Cistus landiferus)
(Rock Rose): base note – psyche oil – Cistus ladaniferus – with beneficial actions – a smokey almost camp fire sweet scent that calms and gives reassurance and grounding for those who love the great outdoors. For when dealing with emotional extremes. Everything is great to the sky is falling. Supports feeling emotionally balanced and having inner peace during these times. Helps to see the good and the bad when everything feels shook up. Very good at calming and soothing overworked minds and has been used for stabilizing hormones in both genders.
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
Lilac: base note – psyche oil – an absolute obtained from the flowers blooming late spring/early summer on the white lilac. This is a rich and deep scent that has a somewhat slightly narcotic action. When surrounded by this fragrance, one may feel the feeling of “life? Who cares! I feel fine.” This is very useful for chronic pain or auto immune disorders or when a person is feeling overwhelmed by life and busyness.
Linden Blossom (Tilia europea)
Linden Blossom: base note – parasympathetic (can also work as a psyche oil as its intense actions for calming extreme mental stress quickly) – an oil made from dried flowers. It’s a delicate floral, but packs a punch in this scent. It is a tonic for the nervous system, skin, liver, lymph and kidneys. One of my favorite oils for any kind of stress related issue. It helps with discomfort from joint pain and eases off stress related conditions. Helps with grief, shock, feeling overwhelmed and when you just ‘can’t go on’. It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-neuralgic which are just a couple of properties that makes this such a valuable oil.
Lotus, Pink (Nelumbo nucifera) India
Lotus, pink: middle note – psyche oil – a stand alone oil, this oil is for those that own their own path. But for those ones that need to recharge themselves. This one helps to allow kindness, softness and compassion to oneself but also to others. To allow one to be imperfect and to be ok with it, not commanding from others and demanding to be exact. Allowing the fun in life and others to be enjoyable and acceptable.
Lotus, White (Nelumbo nucifera) India
Lotus, white: middle note – psyche oil – a stand alone oil, this oil is for those that own their own path. But for those ones that need a desperate recharge. When feeling down and low and zapped. This one helps to allow kindness, softness and compassion to oneself and to allow one time to focus on oneself to regain strength. To allow oneself to be ok with being ‘imperfect’. Allowing life to flow as is and find enjoyment in it.
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Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) China
Magnolia: base note – psyche oil – a happy, linguering floral scent with a sweetness and light heartedness.. Adds a bit of light and brightness to any blend that is a bit too heavy. Very soothing and comforting oil. Helps for countering chronic pain and depression.
Mimosa (Acacia dealbata) Tunisia
Mimosa: base note – psyche oil – a cucumber/melony mellow scented oil with a cooling effect on overstressed brains. The scent is a warm, gentle one with a melon, almost cucumber, twist. Wonderful for cooling overworked emotions and uplifting the tired spirit. Like the flower, which is a soft, golden fuzzy, the oil imparts that same warm feeling to a blend. Good for low self worth or self respect.
Motia (Jasminum sambac) India
Motia: base note – psyche oil – A heavy weighted oil. That gives a strong sense of grounding and self worth. This helps to refresh the inner soul and emotional being. Good for countering the feelings of being over burdened by life and emotionally lost. A delightful sweet, slightly fruity aroma that blends with everything.
Narcissus (Narcissus poeticus)
Narcissus: base note – psyche oil – an absolute obtained from the smaller flowers that are similar to daffodils from early spring. This is a softer but more intensely sweet fragrance that works well on changing the stress responses from things like migraines but where it must be done on a more subtle level than hyacinth. The joy of life and the zest for living are a couple of its actions. This is a warm, golden, heady springtime high. Slightly narcotic in action, which makes it useful in extreme stress responses. One to two drops, please.
Nightqueen (aka Tuberose) (Polianthes tuberosa) India
Nightqueen: base note – psyche oil – one of the very best emotional balancing oils out there. It is absolutely wonderful for extreme shock or extreme stress. Those suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety and ones with PTSD and intense pain of any kind, which causes emotional distress really benefit from the mental and emotional ease this oil gives off. It is a medium/heavy scent. Not too overpowering but a hint of floral/herbal intoxicating that you want to keep breathing in over and over. Watch how many drops you use. 1-2 works incredibly well.
Oakmoss (Evernia prunesti)
Oakmoss: base note – psyche oil – an absolute obtained from the lichens growing on oak trees. This is an earthy, spicy (cinnamon buns) scent that is predominantly regarded as a masculine one. Very grounding but uplifting at the same time. Beneficial for putting some light and life into the left brainers. This adds a warm, golden feeling to the blend.
Osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans) China
Osmanthus: psyche oil – base note – an absolute obtained from the flowers of a tree that is also called sweet olive. The Chinese have revered a very sweet, happy fragrance that lifts, soothes and charms any blend it is put into. A wonderful one to add to any blend for a child or someone needing a childs touch of light and joy.
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Tonka Bean (Dipteryx odorata) Brazil
Tonka bean: base note – psyche oil – A rich carmel, smoky-sweet scent. Smells like a mix of caramel and vanilla. Gives an immediate deep breath and sense of calm and relaxation when breathing this oil in. An intoxicating aroma that works as an aphrodisiac for oils. Men usually love this scent in blends. Gives a sense of grounding, strengthening and a feeling of being ‘ready’ to carry on with strength and confidence.
Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) India
Tuberose: base note – psyche oil – one of the very best emotional balancing oils out there. It is absolutely wonderful for extreme shock or extreme stress. Those suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety and ones with PTSD and intense pain of any kind, which causes emotional distress really benefit from the mental and emotional ease this oil gives off. It is a medium/heavy scent. Not too overpowering but a hint of floral/herbal intoxicating that you want to keep breathing in over and over. Watch how many drops you use. 1-2 works incredibly well.
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Some oils are listed as top, middle or base note indicating the depth of scent and how long lasting that scent gives off when applied to the body. You might see this also in perfumes, indicating which scents will hold on longer. Some also may be listed as parasympathetic, sympathetic or psyche, describing how they affect the body. Parasympathetic and sympathetic both help in different ways to regulate the body utilizing the nervous system as it’s base. The psyche oils work primarily to affect change in the chemistry of the brain. An incredible help for very specific stress responses and issues. When under high amounts or a regular duration of stress, reach for one of these!
All Essential oils listed on here or the website, have not been evaluted by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your medical professional before using. Do not ingest any Essential oils and keep away from children and pets. Always dilute into a carrier oil before use.
DeStress And Detox