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Doorknobs, Handles and Remote Controls...

How Clean Are Yours?

Disinfecting them is good but what about boosting your immune system at the same time? Staying away from chemicals, we can help boost our immune with essential oils that also freshen the air when wiping and cleaning. So many great benefits!! 

(My house smells amaaaazing now after doing this!!)

* Resealable Jar
* Washcloths (or I use old t-shirts that I cut up) 6"x6"

* 1/2 White Vinegar
* 3/4 Water
* 1/8-1/4 tsp Carrier oil
* 1 Drops Rosemary Essential Oil
* 2 Drops Eucalyptus Radiata Essential Oil NOT GLOBULUS.
* 3 Drops Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil 
* 10 drops Lemon Essential Oil
* 6 drops Clove Bud Essential Oil

* or
* If you have Thieves oil use: 15 drops Thieves and add 5 drops Lemon Essential oil.

*This blend is not suitable nor recommended for any Children(under 5 years of age) or Elderly or Pregnant ones. Do not use if you have epilepsy.

FIRST - Mix all Essential oils into the Carrier oil, Then add vinegar and water. Shake jar thoroughly. Then add your rags/cloths.


The following blend is safe for all ages and health conditions.

This blend contains oils that are Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-septic(germ), along with so many other good benefits. All the same goodness as the one above but made for more "gentler" systems.

* Resealable Jar
* Washcloths (or I use old t-shirts that I cut up) 6"x6"
* 1/2 White Vinegar
* 3/4 Water
* 1/8-1/4 tsp Carrier oil
* 8 Drops Lemon Essential Oil
* 6 Drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
* 8 Drops Orange Essential Oil

If you're missing some of those oils, 
you can order them here. 



Simply grab a rag, cloth from your jar and wipe all doorknobs, handles and anything touched by little and big hands. Wipe away those bugs and boost your immune all while making your house smell fantastic!
P.S. Forward this to someone you think may benefit!
Then they can subscribe too for upcoming recipes.

-sharing is caring